Mail Prince provides everything your business needs to boost sales with powerful email marketing campaigns.
Import your custom HTML and CSS with a single click and use our integrated testing tools to make sure they look great in all email programs.
We make it easy to manage your subscribers. Mail Prince will delete email addresses that bounce back as well as those who voluntarily unsubscribe from your list. This is all automatic so you can save time and make your life easier! We also offer tools to divide your lists into segments (for example, you can send to people only located in one area).
Read the great looking, easy to use reports that let you measure the effectiveness of every single email blast. You can even go beyond the important measures such as how many people openeing your email and clicked the link, and actually measure your campaign related sales, conversions and ROI with our Google Analytics integration. You can even find out which email software (Outlook, etc) your subscribers are using.
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