
One of the biggest complaints about email marketing companies is that they force you into long-term monthly contracts. We promise that you can use our pay-as-you-go plan whenever you need it.

The pricing is simple: $9 + 3 cents per email.

Example: Suppose you want to send an email blast telling 75 of your customers about a new product. It will cost you $11.25 ($9 + $2.25). If your client base is a target market one, you will probably make at least one sale from that email. That's just part of the power of our system.

Template Design

We provide HTML templates which look great and make you appear professional.

General Template

You fill the text into the template completely on your own. You are given a free template (as is) that has been tested for cross-email browser compatibility.

General Template Customization

We change the top/bottom banner (such as insert your logo).

Bring Your Own Design ("BYOD"!)

If you have a design, we can turn it into a template.

New Custom Template Design

We create a fully customized template design for you.


Any custom work has an approximately 7-day turnaround.
Rush templates: Within 2 business days - add 50%
Email preparation (if we prepare your email text rather than you): $200

Email Writing Services

We can write your entire email to increase effectiveness. You just have to provide us with the basic points (such as which specials you want to promote, etc).

Full Management Package

If you want us to run the entire campaign from start to finish, we can do that for you! $1,000

 © 2010 Mail Prince